Knowledge Library
in vitro Toxicity Services
Identify potential liability issues in early stages of drug discovery Cardiotoxicity hERG and other ion channel test Stem cell derived cardiomyocyte test on MEA General Cytotoxicity Cell Viability Assay Apoptosis Assay CellTox ™ Green Cytotoxicity Assay ApoTox Glo ™ Triplex Assay Mitochondrial ToxicityMitochondrial Membrane Potential Assay Mitochondrial Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Assay Oxygen Consumption Assay: …Read More >
HBV Discovery Services
A Platform Supporting HBV Drug Discovery A broad assay platform for the discovery of agents for the treatment of chronic HBV infection. Services for assay establishment and validation, compound screening and profiling, and support of preclinical studies and clinical trials. Drug screening using HBV producing cell lines HBV infectious assays Reporter assays Core protein expression …Read More >