EFMC-WuXi AppTec Award for Excellence in Chemical Biology

The European Federation for Medicinal chemistry and Chemical biology (EFMC) announces the creation of the EFMC-WuXi AppTec Award for Excellence in Chemical Biology

The “EFMC-WuXi AppTec Award for Excellence in Chemical Biology” will recognise outstanding research in the field of chemical biology as defined by EFMC in The Chemical Biology-Medicinal Chemistry Continuum: EFMC’s VisionChemBioChem 2021, 22, 2823– 2825. The Award is given biennially and consists of a diploma, € 7.500 and an invitation to present a lecture at an EFMC-ISCB symposium.

The award shall be open to any scientist whose career does not exceed 20 years after PhD on January 1st of the year during which the award is to be presented, and whose accomplishment has not yet been honoured by other EFMC awards.

The award will be conferred biennially on the occasion of the European Federation for Medicinal chemistry and Chemical Biology International Symposium on Chemical Biology (EFMC-ISCB). The EFMC-ISCB 2023 will be held in Basel, Switzerland on November 16-18, 2023.

Deadline for submission: January 31, 2023 | Awardee will be announced in the course of May 2023!

This Award has been established with the support of WuXi AppTec

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